By Paulette Gayer
Cinder (Cinderella I at the Manor House)
Ella II (Cinderella II – twin sister who is a servant at the palace)
Gretta-Old Servant-Woman at the manor house
Henry-Young Servant-man who works both in the manor house and the palace
Capitan Frederich – boasting man
Prince Geoffrey
Duke Vincent- Prince’s Council-Man
Baroness Diane-Stepmother
Helen-Daughter 1
James – the Father
Scene I
GRETTA:Welcome my dear Baroness! I cannot tell you what a delight and pleasure it is to welcome you to this, your new home. I so very much look forward to serving you and helping you get accustomed to your new surroundings as best as I am able.
DIANE (dismissively – and looking around): Yes, yes, thank you I suppose. I have my two younger daughters with me. Will you please find the nurse/nanny and have them attended to at once. Well, let me see this baby of my new husband’s. (aside) While I am grateful my uncle helped to arrange this marriage to “assuage dear James’s grief” and repair my own financial issues, I cannot believe I now have to also raise his little brat! (Servant brings in two bundles) WHAT?! There are two of them! Ohhh, this will not do! Let me think for a minute. (to self) well, James only knows that his wife gave birth and that she died. He does not know she had twins. Perhaps I can make this now worse situation at least as miserable as when it began and not .. ugh. (Back to servant) This is what I wish you to do. We will keep only one of these babies. The other you will find a new home. I do not care where; I can only handle one of these little girls as it is. So, off with you. Do my bidding. I must retire; I am very exhausted after such a long journey and such a shock. Have someone draw a bath for me immediately. (She turns to leave and begins walking out not listening to the servant’s reply)
GRETTA: Uhhh, yes my lady. I’ll take care of everything immediately. (Diane is now offstage) Oh, dear Lord above, what a horrible thing! I pray to you to please immediately provide me with an answer. To whom can I give one of these sweet little ones? Who will love them as at least I would? Oh, here is a messenger arrived. What can be the matter?
MESSENGER: I am come with an urgent note! It seems the Baron had run into terrible trouble during his sea voyage on his return. His ship was completely lost during a terrible storm. He and most of the crew cannot be found and is feared as dead. I am sorry to be the bearer of such tidings, but so it is. You and this household have my prayers.
GRETTA: I thank you most heartily for delivering this news with such expediency, horrible though it is. Please take yourself to the kitchen for a snack. Off you go. (Back to her prayer) I cannot think, I cannot think. One thing first: Lord, Lord, this is now more critical than ever! How shall you guide… But of course! My own dear sister who serves in the castle. I will take one of these precious babes to her. This way we can both always know the secret and see one day that justice is done.
Scene II
Sixteen years later. Cinder and Ella are 16 years old. Helen and Elena 18 and 19 respectively. Cinder is now installed as a servant in the manor house. She also has a new friend, a boy servant.
HENRY: So, what do they have you doing today, Cinder?
CINDER: Today is to pick lentils out of the ashes, try to let out Elena’s… again-though there is no more seaming to let out and if I try to “graft” some in it will look like some strange patchwork gown. But, alas, a corset can only do so much.
HENRY: Well, if she did something besides eat and sit around.. I’ve never seen such indolence in my life!
CINDER: Now Henry, please try and be kind. If she did more for herself, you might not have a situation here, you know. In a strange way, we might be grateful for the laziness which can abound in this house. I still remember when you stumbled upon our door at the young age of 10. Holding your head with no idea of who you were other than your name: Henry. I was six then. I am only so glad that our dear Gretta, that kind old servant, was able to persuade Baroness Diane to take you in. Oh, no.. here comes Capitain Frederich! Oh, would that I were able to get rid of him.
HENRY: Well, if you were to concede to be his wife, it would change your situation, but I fear that would be from bad to worse.
CAPTAIN: Hullo, my dear sweet, fragrant blossom!
HENRY: Ugh, how can he know what a sweet blossom smells like with the foul stench of his breath and baldfaced tales….that would be…his lies.
CAPTAIN: Ah, my Cinder, I have a most excellent surprise for you! (in burst Helen and Elena)
HELEN (Preening for the Captain): Oh, Captain, you won’t believe our news!
ELENA (Also preening): Oh yes, there is to be a ball at the Palace and our whole household has been invited!
CINDER (to Henry): Oh, dear… and I know that dress won’t let out anymore..I’m going to be in such trouble…
HENRY: Uh...more than you know, the Captain is looking at you very intently. Indeed I don’t like his looks at all…
CAPTAIN: That was exactly MY own surprise. As I also have an invitation, I would be only too honored if you, Cinder, would do me the honor of accompanying me.
DIANE (entering): Why yes, her. The Captain has approached me about the…arrangement… and I have given my consent to the, uh… match. Cinder, you will accept the Captain’s most generous invitation, won’t you?
CINDER: Oh, uh... of course I will. (to Henry) Please, you must help me, the man has six arms and they are all of a licentious bent.
HENRY: Don’t worry, I’ll devise a plan.
DIANE: Now, I wish all of you to leave us. The Captain and I have some business to discuss. (all excuse themselves and leave except Henry who hides to hear more)
CAPTAIN: Now you’re sure this arrangement is well planned? I don’t want trouble on my hands when she finally enters my house as, uh... you know.
DIANE: Oh, once I’ve had the chance to speak with her, she won’t be able to refuse. Sure she won’t be your wife, but an arrangement such as this… well, it’s been done for years and she surely can’t do any better than to be a professional mistress. Do you have all the plans laid out in writing, including my own portion for allowing her to be in your..uh.. care?
CAPTAIN: Absolutely, I do hope, however, to be able to win her affection. Maybe at the ball. I’ve heard there may be several. Over the course of them… ah we’ll see. Either way, she is mine and I do thank you. Good Day, um… Madam.
Scene III
The ball. The Prince, Duke, Stepmother & sisters, Henry, and Ella are already there. Gretta arrives later with Cinder and the Captain. The Prince and Duke talk quietly to each other. They look about. Henry is off to the side, waiting to be of service, he is in a footman’s outfit for the occasion.
DIANE: They call this a ball. Well, at least the food and drink seem to be in good order. Elena, stop pulling at that dress. It’s not my fault you don’t fit into it! Gretta should have gotten your corset tighter or something, but now you must behave as a lady! There may be officers later, men from Captain Frederich’s garrison. You must try to see if you can attract the attention of one of them. You too, Helen! You’re both bordering on being burdensome to me...sigh
ELENA: I’m just big boned, I’m sure of it. And I must say, dear mother, was there ever a time when we were not a severe burden to you? You won’t indulge either of us new gowns or anything, just.. well, last season’s dresses of yours!
HELEN: Yes, it is assuredly so, mother! If we do not catch anyone’s eye tonight, I dare say it will be because of how poorly dressed we are….and…
DIANE: Silence, both of you! This is all so unseemly. I must sit down, someone get someone to retrieve some refreshment for me! When will Cinder arrive! Oh, look here she comes now.. maybe I can get her to fetch something for me, she is used to the service, after all. You there, Cinder!
ELLA: I beg your pardon ma’am, do you mean me? If so, what might I be able to do for you?
DIANE: Oh, dear girl, of course I mean you. I am thirsty and require something in the way of refreshment. Good Heaven’s child! What on earth are you wearing?
ELLA: I am wearing what I always wear, ma’am.
DIANE: Seriously, I should have thought the Captain would have dressed you so much finer than that! Anyway, go and get something for me!
ELLA: Right away ma’am.
DIANE: How oddly she speaks and addresses me! I don’t understand it at all. I wonder if the Captain used a potion of some sort on her. Or a drink… hard to say..whatever he must do. Oh she is back with my drink, thank you dear. (Ella leaves)
Lighting on the duke and the prince as they begin their conversation
DUKE: Well, my dear Prince Geoffrey, it appears your ball will be a great success. It’s about time you started to have social events.. meet some more of your subjects, get to know those whom you rule, and maybe even some of the young ladies in the area?
GEOFFREY: Oh, Uncle Vincent, I thank you so much for your concern. I am interested to know more of those in my kingdom, but I’m not sure a ball will reveal to me any young lady of true character. Look over there are the Baroness’ daughters. How awkward they have always been, and it appears still are... Oh dear. One has just spilled her punch on her gown. I wish I did not have the privilege of watching that scene.
DUKE: Oh, my nephew, I have always esteemed and loved you. And, as you know, since I lost my own dear son, Henri [French pronunciation] that dreadful, horrible day, and also since the loss of your father, I have seen you very much as my own son. Once the council finally approves you, you will be king! I do pray you will find a true bride to be your queen.
GEOFFREY: As do I Uncle, as do I. I thank you for your undying devotion to me as you has truly proven over and over again. Though I was only a boy then, I also lamented the loss of your son. He was my playmate, your son, and a true friend. I had always hoped he would be my confidante at this time in my life, along with your own wise counsel.
DUKE: So did I. Oh here comes the Captain.. ugh. Would that we could escape now, but as it’s our own affair, we should put up appearances. Here, I’ll put my back to him in this low chair and pretend to be discussing important business with you. He wouldn’t dare disturb us then.
GEOFFREY: Please do and thank you.. (Duke turns and sits with his back to the Captain, Baroness and sisters.)
Cinder, the Captain and Gretta enter. Cinder’s dress is quite revealing and she is obviously embarrassed about it.
CAPTAIN: Ah, my dear, here we are! I am ready to show you off to the world! And I must say you look very ravishing!
GRETTA (to Cinder): I’m so sorry, my dear. I’m glad to be here for you, but that gown is an embarrassment to any young lady. Don’t worry, I brought a shawl for you.. you can use it as excuse to get away from him in a moment.
CINDER: (to Gretta) I thank you so much and will use that excuse at the first available opportunity. (to Captain) Thank you, sir. It is an.. interesting and novel gown you have chosen. I’m sure no other young lady will have one like it.
CAPTAIN: I should say not! I defy even your Step-mother to have such a piece! Though she herself is one that I would gladly…uh.. (remembering himself) well, that is enough of that! Oh, there she is now. I would be most remiss in my duties if I did not walk over to give my formal greetings. Let us go now.
Dear Baroness Diane, you look as lovely and youthful as ever! Indeed, I have never met a woman who could hold her bloom as you do!
DIANE: Oh, Captain, you flatterer …and obsequious man... you are much too kind to me. Oh, dear Cinder, I am glad to see that you have changed your choice of attire for the evening. And an…uh... interesting choice, too. I’m sure no one else will have anything like it.
CINDER: Thank you Step-mother. I don’t mean to be rude, but of course I would change for the evening. There are areas in which you did raise me well. One would be to dress for the occasion. If you will excuse me, however, I am excessively chilled and I understand Gretta was wise enough to bring a shawl for me. I shall just walk over and get it.
DIANE: By yourself, unheard of. You are not just a common servant here, my dear. You must go escorted. Henry! Please take Miss Cinder over to Gretta for her shawl. (Henry bows and offers his arm to Cinder – they walk across to Gretta and Ella)
GEOFFREY: Uncle, as I look around, I notice two people walking across the Hall. The first, is, naturally, the lovely visage in the..odd gown. While she looks very slightly familiar, I know I have never seen her before. She is very graceful and has such a gentle, though..slightly pensive, countenance. Maybe it’s the dress. The other however, I pray you would turn and look. The young man, the servant accompanying her, he looks excessively familiar. Please, turn and look.
UNCLE: Oh, my, yes, she is lovely, even in that atrocity of a gown! Oh, look, she is putting on a shawl now. Much better, and that also shows she has knowledge of modesty. Yes, you are right, that young servant man does look so very familiar. Alas, I cannot place him! Oh, that is so frustrating! I do feel as if I know him, though!
Meanwhile, on the other side of the ballroom
CINDER: Gretta, I cannot thank you enough! Oh, to finally not be so exposed! First with the dress, and then to be with.. the Captain! He does nothing but tell of his false exploits all the time, and I fear his true exploits are not on the field of battle, but on a field of a different nature altogether. To think, they want me to marry him! Lecherous, odious man! Henry, why do you keep staring at the Duke as you do?
HENRY: He looks more than very familiar to me. (Henry gasps in surprise! Then to himself) Oh, that I might at last know who I am!
GRETTA: I can only agree with you about the Captain, I’m afraid, but I’ve learned from Henry that there may be a more sinister reason that an arranged marriage between you two. I’ll let Henry tell you himself after you have a drink.
CINDER: But, I’m not thirsty.
GRETTA: But I tell you that you are. Here, you must accept a drink from this fair maid.
CINDER: Oh, if you insist, you’ve always looked out for me in one way or another. (turns to take the glass) Thank you so much, Miss….Oh, my! I believe I am looking into a mirror!
ELLA: (still looking down) you’re most welcome…I beg your pardon? (looks up) Oh! How can this be?! Oh, I’m sorry to take liberties speaking with you like that, Ma’am.
CINDER: There’s no need to apologize to me, I’m only a servant in my own home. How is it that you look like me?
HENRY: Ah, my dear Cinder, and my dearest Ella, allow me to shed a little light on both your situations. As you each know, I have had the liberty of working at both the Baroness’ manor and the palace for quite a bit doing various things. Once it was discovered by the head man at the palace how I was good at scribing and counting, they demanded me, so the Baroness had to consent to loaning me out.
Anyway, while going back and forth, I noticed the two of you looked more than a great deal alike. After some consideration, I started asking around and when I learnt that Ella was taken care of by Gretta’s own sister, I began to suspect something more was going on. So, one day I asked Gretta straight out about the situation and to her credit, she immediately confided everything to me.. Gretta?
GRETTA: You see, dear Cinder, Ella here is your twin sister. When your wonderful beloved mother gave her life giving you yours, she also gave life to Ella. Your step-mother arrived before your father, who did not know there were two of you. Only that there was a birth and your mother did not make it. When Baroness Diane arrived and saw there were two of you, she had one of you banished. I took you, Ella to my sister whom I knew would love you.
ELLA: Oh, and Gretta, she has, she has loved and cared for me like no other!
CINDER: And Gretta, you have always looked out for me and helped me through such a great deal.
GRETTA: If I had thought I could have gotten away with it, I would have awayed with both of you so neither of you would have to deal with the Baroness. I learned only immediately after of the loss of your father at sea. However, here we are. And, dear Cinder, the Baroness and the Captain do not mean to make you his wife, but his mistress only! A paid courtesan! How awful, such shame to be brought upon you! I cannot think of either your father or mother ever consenting to such a thing, but your stepmother is to make a very pretty penny out the arrangement. I don’t know how to stop it!
HENRY: I believe I may. I have devised a plan. Cinder, I notice that the Prince has been watching you for some time. Oh, my dearest Ella, would you consent to please changing places with Cinder and changing clothes? I know it is a lot to ask, and if I didn’t know that you loved me so, and if I didn’t know that you knew of my long affection, I would not even dare to ask.
ELLA: Oh, Henry, of course I could never refuse any request of yours. And to aid my newly found sister, I would do most anything. I know of the Captain and would not wish a pig in the sty or a sheep in the field to endure him in any fashion, but a few hours in a public room might be tolerable.
PRINCE : Oh, my uncle, I do wish to approach and speak with that dear creature over there. But her being with the Captain, I do not wish any discomfort on her part. What shall I do?
DUKE: Why don’t I arrange a bit of amusement, perhaps I can ask the servants to devise a plan for you to get to know her better. (He goes over and whispers in to Henry’s ear..looking at him oddly the entire time)
HENRY: Hello all, I have a wonderful song for you this evening. It is by special request I have composed the following, on the spot, as it were.
CINDER (dressed as Ella): Oh thank you my dear sister!
ELLA: It is no trial to do such a deed for my own worthy sister. (they embrace as Ella goes over to the captain)
CAPTAIN: Cinder, I had begun to think I’d lost you forever. Come, let us retire to the porch for some air.
ELLA: My dear Captain, I assure you nothing would bring me greater pleasure, but look, there is some amusement first. May we please see what the Prince and the Duke have devised? I would not wish to affront them by our departure just when the festivities were about to begin.
CAPTAIN: Ah, your wisdom does you credit. Yes, of course we may delay our airing until this is past.
DIANE: I am glad to see you showing such distinction, dear. Would that my own daughters could… sigh
Cinder and the Prince are obviously having a wonderful and delightful conversation in the corner while Henry delivers his song with the Duke watching closely.
There once was a lady who aspired
To bring about all she desired
While saddled with children
She thought them a burden
But tolerated them for a while
Two lovely daughters separated
And all this time their devotion not abated
Though just learning of each other
They vowed to one another
The other to help not frustrated
And now for their friend, the kind servant
Who has just discovered his ascent
A noble man who
Thought he lost him – boo hoo
Will soon learn his son was among him
And how shall this story end
All will be revealed it is said
Sisters reunited
A nobleman knighted
And happily after again.
CAPTAIN: What an interesting song. I didn’t get a line of it understood.
DIANE: (fuming) I thought it a terrible bore! Come girls, it is obviously time to go!
DUKE: What an odd song... I wonder… maybe… no, it’s not possible, still.. I might do some inquiry.
HENRY: (to Cinder) Excuse me, your majesty, Cinder, but you and Ella need to change back before the Captain takes her to the porch. She will complain of an headache, you two will change back, but leave your slipper behind. Your majesty, it is how all can be revealed tomorrow at their house, and please, bring your Uncle with you.
PRINCE: I trust you, sir. You obviously has good wisdom, learning and provide excellent council. I thank you for all of your help. Cinder is the most excellent of women and I would hate to ever see her in a situation with either Baroness Diane or Captain Frederich!
HENRY : It is done, let us away!
Next morning back at the manor.
DIANE: What a bore it was last night! No fine gentlemen, weird servants, that odd song. I don’t know what amusements are about these days.
HELEN: It did seem that the Captain spent a lot of time paying attention to you! Dear mother! The more he drank, the more he seemed to talk to your bosom rather than your face!
ELENA: Yeah, that did seem rather odd, ma.
DIANE: I told you never to call me that! And besides, the friendship between the Captain and me is of no concern to the two of you.
(knock at the door)
GRETTA: Hello, there, what is this? Oh a message, thank you! What may we hear this good morning?
MESSENGER: Only this, that the Prince requests an audience with this household this very day, so please be prepared.
DIANE: Oh, my, I can’t believe it! Well, he must have noticed one of us.. uh.. you two girls. Quick, get Cinder to get our gowns and hair ready! We mustn’t delay at all. (knock at the door) What this time!
GRETTA: (answering the door) Yes?
MESSENGER: I’m sorry to disturb you twice, but I also have only just received word by a rider that indeed, the Baron was discovered, has come to his senses –apparently he was knocked unawares for years – and returns here shortly to greet his now grown family and retire. That is all, I am most sure.
GRETTA: Thank you so much, good sir.
DIANE: Oh, no! Not the Baron. Gretta, fetch the Captain at once! Do not delay or there will be a heavy price to pay for you and Cinder, do you understand me?
GRETTA: All too well, Miss.
DIANE: Well, girls, get going.. CINDER!! (Diane and girls rush out of the room)
GRETTA: Oh, Dear… the Captain… I don’t know what I’m going to do. (knock at the door) I can’t believe this! (opens the door) Oh, Captain. I was just instructed to send for you.
CAPTAIN: Yes, well, after the abbreviated evening we all had, I wanted to get here this morning and finalize some business I had with the Baroness. Is she in?
GRETTA: Yes, but she is still in her boudoir. Would you care to wait?
CAPTAIN: I would. Could you send for Cinder?
GRETTA: I would but she has been requested by the Baroness.
CAPTAIN: All the better, so she can be prepared. Yes, I’ll wait. Fetch me some tea.
(knock at the door)
GRETTA: This is getting ridiculous. I must go, but… uh.. Cinder! Would you please handle the door? (Gretta goes for tea)
CINDER: (rushing in) Oh, uh… Good morning, Captain. I must answer the door. Excuse me. (She opens the door and in walks the Duke). OH! Your Lordship, the Duke!
CAPTAIN: (remembering himself) Your Lordship!
DUKE: Yes, good morning young maid. (aside) don’t let anyone know about last night just yet. (Openly) I am come to have an audience with the Baroness.
CINDER: I will fetch her right away. Oh, here she is… how astonishing.
DIANE: Your Lordship! To what may attribute this great honor? (aside) Oh, that he had waited just a few minutes longer! (openly) You surely esteem us with your presence here.
DUKE: I come to correct a great injustice of which I have only recently learnt!
CAPTAIN: Really! I’m astonished, that there would be any injustice in this neighborhood. How may any of us assist your Lordship?
DUKE: As I understand, there is a severe rumor of a young lady of worth being exchanged in a business dealing which would relegate her to a most low and despised position in life.
DIANE: I can’t believe it! In this town, in your duchy... how horrific!
DUKE: Yes, it is. The Prince himself will be here shortly as he considered it a most tender and delicate matter. He sought out you, Baroness, and..coincidentally, you Captain to discuss it. But do not worry yourselves too much. It is now to be resolved. I ask the servant Henry to please come in.
HENRY: Your Lordship, or should I say .. Father.
DIANE: (gulping) uh.. father?
DUKE: Yes, Baroness, I am in fact this young man’s father. It was discovered last night, the evening of the ball. At last, I am reunited with my own son, Henri! Through my own interrogations, I have learnt of his treatment in his situation under you. While you did not know he was my son, how you treat your servants….. oh, it is too disgusting to continue. And now, I bring in my other guests to your home. (enter the Prince and the Father)
DIANE: Oh, your Highness! And… my own husband! Oh, my dear, dear husband, James. How we have struggled to live without you all these years! What a trial to endure without your presence, without your love and…
PRINCE: Silence! You vile and contemptuous woman! (To James) I beg your pardon sir, she is your wife. But I beg your forgiveness and indulgence. Last night, I met the most intelligent, genuine, discrete and charming young woman. It was then that I learnt she had a sister.
JAMES: Sir, you need not ask my pardon, indeed! What, you say, a sister!?
DUKE: Oh, yes sir, Henri, please bring in your new bride. (In walks Ella) Sir, James, I must beg your indulgence. When I made the discovery of not only that James was my son, but that he was so very in love with a generous, giving, wise young lady, I could not refuse their union no matter her station. God granted me favor when I then learnt she was your daughter and then –this morning-that you were still alive to reclaim your land and title. Oh what providence that the Harpie, Baroness Diane never remarried.
ELLA: Oh Father! (rushes to embrace him)
JAMES: My Ella! My Cinder! But these cannot really be your names. We must ask Gretta, she will know what they truly are.
GRETTA: (crying) Your names are… Cynthia and Elizabeth Truly royal and distinguished as you both have become. Oh thank you, dear Lord, for directing me so soundly that very day!
DIANE: I cannot believe all of this! How do we know any of this is true! It is ridiculous. So the girls look alike, so what!? Who can prove anything?
HENRI: Ah, but my fair venomous femme, I have the documents of the priest for my attestation of these events. What have you?
JAMES: As our sham marriage was never officially consummated, Diane, I have not a doubt that these same priests will be only too glad to pronounce an annulment, which I shall seek once all this business is concluded.
DIANE: Uhhh… Captain, what shall we do? We neither of us have recourse and, also, have been discovered.
CAPTAIN: Well, I am a landowner, and you... dear Lady are the one stuck with no position. The way I see it, your only opportunity is to take your chances with me. Your daughters may come as well if they are out of the way. Maybe they will entertain some of my garrison.
JAMES: No! You may take Diane as she has chosen her own lot. But I did swear to take care of her daughters and they shall stay here with me to be brought up more properly if your majesty will permit.
PRINCE: Indeed I shall. Madam Diane, Captain, away with both of you! I wish never to know of your existence again! (Diane and the Captain take their leave and exit)
JAMES: I understand, your Highness, there is a request you would make of me.
PRINCE: Yes, there is. Here is dear Cinder – or …is it Elizabeth… or is it Cynthia.. I don’t know. What I do know is that she is, I understand, your daughter. Henri devised a plan whereas her slipper was left behind. With your permission, I would like to prove she is the lady with whom I spent the most wonderful evening of my life; and I would be honored to have as my wife, and my queen.
JAMES: Sir, if my dear daughter, Cinder will condescend to seat herself and try on the slipper, once we are witnesses, if she gives her consent, then you will have my blessing for the utmost of happiness.
CINDER: Oh, Henry...that is, Henri, how is this possible? (She sits down-the prince pulls out the slipper and slides it on her foot.)
PRINCE: My dear, what would you think of having me as your husband? I do know we have a lot of ground to cover that one night’s conversation could not if it wished. But, if, in our discourse, you could find me tolerable, would you be my betrothed?
CINDER: Oh, dear prince, I am astonished, that you, who could command me to be your wife would be so wise and generous. I accept your proposal of courtship and, dare I hope, to become your betrothed, should you find me likewise so suited to you.
PRINCE: I have no doubt of our eventual marriage and lifelong happiness. Yes, there will be vexation on the way, but with the wisdom and counsel of so many, as the proverb says, how can we fail if we follow it?